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Hospitality Should Not Remain The Last E-Commerce Industry Regarding Prepayment - 0 views

  • High cancellation rate: According to a recent research by D-EDGE, over 23.5% of the bookings of independent hotels and 35% on-the-books revenue is cancelled before arrival.
  • Fraudulent Bookings: As the booking is not engaging the end user, some hotels may be the victim of unscrupulous visitors booking long-term stays (20 days or more) just to feed their Visa's demands for example
  • High cancellation rate: According to a recent research by D-EDGE, over 23.5% of the bookings of independent hotels and 35% on-the-books revenue is cancelled before arrival.
    • cleon087
      This doesn't even give a chance for the hotel to serve the guest and build a relationship with the guest.
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  • Fraudulent Bookings: As the booking is not engaging the end user, some hotels may be the victim of unscrupulous visitors booking long-term stays (20 days or more) just to feed their Visa's demands for example
    • cleon087
      You reserve rooms and are expecting this income but then it turns out to be a lie. Especially for a stay that is 20 days. I think it is crucial for hotels to come up with policies especially for extended stays.
  • widened the form of payment accepted.
    • cleon087
      This makes it more accessible and welcoming to all guest. If you make the payment process easier, it makes the booking easier and inviting to guest.
  • 59%* of them will book somewhere again if they are able to pay quickly the first time.
  • D-EDGE and PayPal have partnered to enable hoteliers to accept payments quickly on their hotel website, from almost anywhere around the world, in a secure manner.
    • cleon087
      Whenever I see that a company accepts pay pal, it always gets me happy and more likely to buy. It is easier to pay and I trust that pay pal is secure.
  • The account creation process is very fast and hoteliers can then start accepting payment instantly on their booking engine from almost anywhere around the world.
  • 267 million active PayPal users around the world and offer them a simple way to pay i
  • rate can increase up to 87.5%** thanks to PayPal solution for mobile.
    The articles goes over why Hospitality should start making pre-payment the norm in the industry. The examples given are because of high cancellation rates, fraudulent bookings, and cash flow impact.
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    This article discusses the massive amounts of lost revenue experienced by hotels due to their outdated methods of collecting payment. By requesting guests to pay after the duration of their stay they are leaving up to 35% of "on-the-books" revenue to be lost due to cancellations, fraudulent bookings, or invalid credit/debit cards. By allowing guests to pay for their stay at the time of booking they are collecting payment sooner and reduce cancellation risks.
    The article discusses how hotels are one of the E-Commerce industries where payment is predominately received after the service is provided and not at the time of booking/purchase like most e-commerce businesses. This practice has hindered revenue growth over the years due to fraudulent bookings, long lead times affecting cash flow, and high cancellation rate for reservations. Which is why hotels should aim to further encourage payment at the time of booking, which according to D-EDGE (a cloud-based e-commerce company & booking engine) can be done by increasing the number of payment options, exemplified by their partnership with PayPal, that enables hotels to accept payments fast and securely by integrating the widely used PayPal platform to the hotel's website.
    This article is about the importance of changing the way payment is done in the hospitality industry. There are negatives to paying after you have completed your stay. It includes people canceling before stays and people booking without any intentions of staying at the hotel.

ZDirect Integration to Apple's Passbook Sends Confirmations from PMS to iPhone | Produc... - 0 views

  • ZDirect attaches Passbook files to emails or creates a link to download the “pass” from a confirmation email or SMS text message. The look and feel of the hotel's "pass" can be customized for each hotel and configured for any PMS. Once the "pass" is stored on the mobile device, a data connection is not needed to retrieve it, so roaming charges are not assessed.
    When considering mobile technologies, many hospitality managers are not convinced of the potential benefits resulting in enhanced guest engagement, improved customer satisfaction, and increased consumer spending. The common goals of mobile technology implementation are acceleration of guest traffic, heightened interactivity, promotion and sales of goods and services, and gathering of feedback relative to the guest's experience. Mobile services include special website configurations, fluent marketing campaigns, location-based activities, digital couponing, and point-of-sale settlement. Currently, the fastest growing segment of m-commerce service is mobile payments featuring cashless and cardless payment platforms. If not already in place, hospitality management should consider business payment choices of coin and currency, credit and debit card, and mobile options.

5 pressing hotel security concerns for 2012 - 2 views

  • areas of top concern for 2012, the usual suspects still top the list: information-technology breaches and terrorism, hoteliers said.
  • 1. IT
  • 2. Terrorism
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  • 5. Security as taboo
  • 4. Liability and insurance fraud
  • 3. Skimmers
  • The hot-button issue within the realm of hotel-information technology is mobile and cloud technology.
  • Ironically, one of the main reasons terrorism tops the list is because it has become less of an issue in recent years, sources said.
  • “The greatest business risk, as I see it … is insurance fraud. And it’s the most expensive,” he said.
  • A related threat is that of “skimmers,” or devices that catch credit card numbers when consumers use them for payment. The problem primarily is contained to the restaurant industry, but Callaghan is concerned it could spread to hotels.
  • “Liability” as a general label refers to hoteliers being held liable for the acts, which are often criminal, of third parties, the AH&LA’s Callaghan said.
  • “Security” still is something of a taboo in the global hotel industry, said Paul Moxness VP for corporate safety and security at The Rezidor Hotel Group, a Brussels-based hotel management company, with more than 400 hotels and nearly 90,000 rooms in its portfolio.
    1. IT The hot-button issue within the realm of hotel-information technology is mobile and cloud technology.A company could have tens of thousands of smartphones or laptops in the field at any given point-each a potential gateway to hackers and other criminals. To the problem the core principle is to provide end-to-end data protection with looking at cost and benefit and how it's supports the business. 2. Terrorism Ironically, one of the main reasons terrorism tops the list is because it has become less of an issue in recent years.Hoteliers need to keep their staffs and travelers mindful of possible threats, but they don't want to scare them. 3. Skimmers A related threat is that of "skimmers," or devices that catch credit card numbers when consumers use them for payment.The best prevention measure is to have an investigative team or third party on hand and making that known to employees. 4. Liability and insurance fraud These two related issues can double, triple, quadruple and quintuple corporate insurance premiums in the blink of an eye. The advisement is hoteliers to educate themselves on the issue, consulting with an attorney, if necessary. 5. Security as taboo "Security" still is something of a taboo in the global hotel industry.Hoteliers need to do a better job of "turning on the light" by talking about security openly and regularly at staff and association meetings, and hotel executives should insist their GMs make security a priority
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    The first security matter that is brought up in this article is the cloud computing mobile devices on cell phones and laptops. With each device its own danger center of being hacked into a company's systems. The second point is "terrorists." Even though there has not been an issue with terrorists for about 10 years now it is still a big issue. According to the article companies are slacking on being vigilant because of the lack of activity.The third is what are know as skimmers, they are devices that gather information like credit card numbers.The last two issues are liability and security itself. Hotels claim to have security matters under control but when it comes to it, it is for show. Hotels need to buckle down on their security measures.
    "Terrorism and information technology breaches are familiar areas of concern on hotel security professionals' 2012 to-do lists."
    This article talked about five important hotel security concerns in 2012. As more and more new technology applied in the hospitality industry, IT professionals now face with challenges and risks associated with the new technology. When asked for the areas of top concern for 2012, hoteliers consider the usual suspects still top the list: information-technology breaches and terrorism. Hoteliers interviewed for this report recommended focusing on t five areas during 2012. The first concern is IT. The hot-button issue within the realm of hotel-information technology is mobile and cloud technology. Hotels have to protect data and information, especially the financial data. The second concern is Terrorism. Hoteliers need to keep their staffs and travelers mindful of possible threats, but they don't want to scare them. Thirdly, a related threat is that of "skimmers," or devices that catch credit card numbers when consumers use them for payment. The problem primarily is contained to the restaurant industry, but it could spread to hotels. The forth is Liability and insurance fraud. These two related issues can double, triple, quadruple and quintuple corporate insurance premiums in the blink of an eye. The fifth concern: Security as taboo. "Security" still is something of a taboo in the global hotel industry. Hoteliers need to do a better job of "turning on the light" by talking about security openly and regularly at staff and association meetings
    In the top 5 hotel security concerns, number 1 is IT Security. Many businesses now are working off of laptops and smartphones which is making it easier for hackers to get in to and steal information. The same goes for hotels which are becoming more hands-free, eco-friendly which is working off of computers. The hotel industries are spending more and more money on making sure that they are secure from any hackers logging in to their computers to get their guests information.
    When thinking about hotel security we do not necessarily jump to anything other than terrorism or things like that but in this article it talks about five different things that can be issues in hotel security. IT is a large issue due to mobile and cloud technology. There are so many devices used that it is easy for hackers to get in the system. Terrorism is of course an issue even though it is not so prominent as it has been in the past. Skimmers are becoming more popular in hotels and restaurants having someone working on the inside who swipes the credit card though a machine before processing the payment to take all of the information off of it. Liability and Insurance Fraud can be something as little as stubbing a toe to a large workers comp case. This is the most expensive security issue hotels face. Security is still taboo in hotels because it scares some guests but at the same time once one thing happens all of the bad things will happen. If nothing happens than it will stay like that.
    This article makes great points that we do not think about as normal people. Before taking this class I would never think of all of these issues that could be happening to me while at a hotel or restaurant but anything is possible.
    This article really made me think outside the box in order to enhance security, specially when in regards to IT, skimmers and liability/insurance fraud. All too common are people looking for ways to beat the system, we hear about it constantly but don't pay attention. From worker claiming worker's comp, foreign fingers and hazardous items in food, to Publix's ATM being the victims of attached skimmers and hackers attacking sensitive information transmitted by the world wide web. The best solution is to be proactive with training and technology and the benefits of being ahead of the curve.
    Great Article...hotel security is so important not only for the company but also for its stakeholders and consumers. It is the responsibility of the company to ensure that the correct steps are in placed to ensure guests and company information is secure. At my current job, it is my responsibility to ensure that employees are not utilizing credit card devices to catch customer's credit card information. We also address any possible theft concerns with the employees to ensure these issues are avoided.
    Great Article- There are so many security issues that we usually don't think about on a daily bases and this article highlights them well. Terrorism is something that has become rather laxed over the the last five years and usually the last security concern in the hospitality industry instead of the first that we process as a true risk. Concerns should also be focus on liability and insurance fraud from both guest as well as employees; a slip and fall and bed bugs can result in costly lawsuits.
    1. ITAccording to the article, most mobile devices that are used for business are unprotected. Meaning that the devices if the device even have a password and if it does the password is not very complex. There could be thousands of employees accessing company information via the cloud through unprotected smart phones or other mobile devices. This could organizations at risk to hackers and other criminals  2.  TerrorismAlthough terrorist threats are less of a concern nowadays, that does not mean hotel managers should discontinue stressing the importance of security within their establishments. Keeping employees aware and diligent can prove to be a delicate assignment but it is a necessary of part of maintaining a safe work environment in the twenty-first century. 3.  SkimmersSkimmers are devices that steal credit card numbers when consumers use them for payment. Unfortunately, it is most commonly an employee on the inside who is committing the crime.  A third party investigation team will be needed to prove who is stealing from the establishment.  4. Liability and Insurance FraudCombined, these two issues could sky rocket a company's insurance costs through the roof. It is crucial that hoteliers be aware of the legal system and educates themselves on issues concerning liability. Both patrons and employees alike could potentially file claims against an establishment and entitlements can quickly get out of hand.    5.  SecurityDespite the best security measures, there is always the possibility of unforeseen danger. This fear of the unknown is a concern for hotel workers. To confront this fear of the unknown managers must regularly and openly discuss security with employees.  Security should be held as a top priority. 
    This article discusses five main concerns brought on by the current state of hotel security. I must say that some of this information surprised me. Something that especially surprised me was learning that mobile devices that are used for business hardly use passwords. The article states, "Amplifying the problem is the sheer number of devices, he added. A company could have tens of thousands of smartphones or laptops in the field at any given point-each a potential gateway to hackers and other criminals." This piece of information is very unsettling to me. How could such valuable information not be protected? The article suggests the solution to this problem is PCI DSS. Terrorism as number two on this list also surprised me because that is not something that would first come to mind for me. The article states that it is ironically on the list for becoming less of an issue. I suppose this reminds hoteliers to never let their guard down when it comes to issues of safety and security within the hotel. However, "skimmers" and liability on this list does not really surprise me. The article suggests that hoteliers be educated about these issues to protect the hotel against them.

7 Tech and Travel Trends That Will Shape the Hotel Industry in 2023 | By Nicole Dehler - 0 views

  • Rising energy costs and persistent inflation will continue to affect guests and hotels alike
  • Many hoteliers are turning to technology to ameliorate some of these pressures. Native-cloud-based PMS platforms, for example, can deliver more power and reliability than traditional on-site PMS platforms
  • 87% of hotels are experiencing a staffing shortage
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  • Many hoteliers are turning to technology to add flexibility in hiring, make up for staffing shortages
  • Mobile and kiosk-based self-check-in can be deployed to deliver a convenient and personalized welcome experience with only a skeleton front desk staff
  • Similarly, mobile automation can complete a number of time-consuming administrative tasks, while mobile communication can streamline communication between the front and back-of-the-house, by instantly alerting employees when a room is ready or out of order
  • 2023 will continue to see the rise of blended travel models such as bleisure travel, remote working and digital nomads
  • Investing in a PMS that includes the options for hourly or day-use rates allows a hotel to cater to busy airport travelers, or remote workers
  • Leveraging mobile and kiosk-based check-in and mobile Point-of-Sale (PoS) systems allow hotels to deemphasize the front desk, and transform the lobby into a more communal space for dining, co-working, and socializing.
  • With almost two-thirds of internet traffic originating from mobile devices, hoteliers would be well advised to select a booking engine that is fully optimized for mobile
  • According to McKinsey, 82% of Americans are using some type of digital payments
  • Hotels have taken notice, and have deployed comprehensive payment facilitation platforms that can deliver a secure and seamless payment experience for guests while preserving the mobile-first nature of their stay
  • Savvy hoteliers will leverage an ecosystem model of technological investment, where foundational platforms like the PMS and CRS utilize flexible open-API systems to integrate as many potential third-party applications as possible, with no additional costs to the user
    This article describes 7 travel and tech trends that are shaping the hotel industry this year. With labor shortages and growing inflation, hoteliers are turning to technology to relieve some pressures like using a native-cloud-based PMS platform, using mobile and kiosk-based self check-in, and using a a more consolidated payment processer that can deliver a more secure and seamless experience for guests.

MyCheck Breaks New Ground with Menu Reordering Capability for Custom Mobile Payment App... - 1 views

shared by knare002 on 12 May 19 - No Cached
  • “MyCheck’s reordering capability is a powerful technological innovation that revolutionizes in-location ordering and the guest experience because unlike tablet solutions, our branded mobile payment apps seamlessly connect to the point-of-sale, link guest consumption to rewards and foster ongoing brand engagement,” said Tal Nathanel, U.S. CEO of MyCheck
  • Check’s reordering capability is a powerful technological innovation that revolutionizes in-location ordering and the guest experience because unlike tablet solutions, our branded mobile payment apps seamlessly connect to the point-of-sale, link guest consumption to rewards and foster ongoing brand engagement,” said Tal Nathanel, U.S. CEO of MyCheck.
  • ation ordering and the guest experience because unlike tablet solutions, our branded mobile payment apps seamlessly connect to the point-of-sale, link guest consumpti
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  • “MyCheck’s reordering capability is a powerful technological innovation that revolutionizes in-location ordering and the guest experience because unlike tablet solutions, our branded mobile payment apps seamlessly connect to the point-of-sale, link guest consumption to rewards and foster ongoing brand engagement,” said Tal Nathanel, U.S. CEO of MyCheck.
  • location
  • MyCheck creates custom apps for hospitality groups and restaurant chains to extend their brand into the mobile world. With faster checkout, increased loyalty and customer engagement, MyCheck turns a clinical payment process into a dynamic experience for the guest, providing tools to understand customers better and interact with them in more mea
  • “MyCheck’s reordering capability is a powerful technological innovation that revolutionizes in-location ordering and the guest experience because unlike tablet solutions, our branded mobile payment apps seamlessly connect to the point-of-sale, link guest consumption to rewards and foster ongoing brand engagement,” said Tal Nathanel, U.S. CEO of MyCheck
  • Unlike traditional tablet solutions, MyCheck does not require any special hardware or related installation or maintenance. Because it is integrated with a restaurant’s POS, the MyCheck platform extracts data and analytics on consumption that can illuminate actionable marketing programs.
  • MyCheck creates custom apps for hospitality groups and restaurant chains to extend their brand into the mobile world. With faster checkout, increased loyalty and customer engagement, MyCheck turns a clinical payment process into a dynamic experience for the guest, providing tools to understand customers better and interact with them
    The article reports MyCheck has created an app to eliminate ordering food and drinks at the table for some restaurants using tablets or servers. The app allows guest to order from the menu on their smart phone and the order is directly is sent to the POS system. The goal is to eliminate the big hardware. The hope is by restaurants using MyCheck the server will be able to spend more time on quality service. The power of ordering and paying will be at the power of the guest. Customer rewards are also going to be tracked through the app.
    The article reports MyCheck has created an app to eliminate ordering food and drinks at the table for some restaurants using tablets or servers. The app allows guest to order from the menu on their smart phone and the order is directly is sent to the POS system. The goal is to eliminate the big hardware. The hope is by restaurants using MyCheck the server will be able to spend more time on quality service. The power of ordering and paying will be at the power of the guest. Customer rewards are also going to be tracked through the app.

POS of the Future Predictions & Insights | Hospitality Technology - 0 views

  • The point of service is becoming untethered from the point of sale. The next-generation point of sale is being shaped by the call for the POS to be all things for all people.
  • This year’s results indicate that restaurants are preparing to take an active role in the evolution of the POS. More than half are testing and researching new POS solutions for 2019 and beyond, and 46% plan to add functionalities to current software in 2019
  • the top three business drivers that will be prompting POS enhancements, two — adding mobile POS and enabling new payment options — speak to a bigger issue: providing customers with frictionless ways to pay, wherever and however they want.
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  • More than half (61%) of operators say that being able to use data to understand guest preferences and behavior is the top driver influencing a POS upgrade.
  • “Advanced payment types and allowing more payment types to be accepted at the POS will drive the POS of the Future. Pay-at-the-table, as well as mobility in general, are becoming very prevalent as businesses realize that mobility is a key factor in meeting guests where they want to be interacted with.
  • POS consolidation will continue to impact technology as POS options become more directly tied to payment processing. As the barrier to technology development continues to decrease
  • “The future POS will be shaped by the proliferation of consumer preferences to order ahead and online and their desire to drive the transaction in-store as well as merchant preferences to manage orders and payments in real-time, whether they are in-store or off-site.”  — Clover
  • “New forms of payment that eliminate interchange are going to make it difficult for companies to subsidize POS hardware and software with the payment processing revenue.
  • — Ingenico
  • The rise of off-premises ordering and digital enablement will mean an increased focus on advanced kitchen production, the enablement of consolidated and centralized menus and order entry across consumer and employee entry points, and automation of delivery orders and services through branded applications and third-party aggregators.
  • “As restaurants expand their adoption of software and analytic tools, security will be at the forefront of POS discussions. Data vulnerability is directly related to the number of access points in a hardware or software solution. The risk associated with having access to a wide range of value-add software applications is the increase in access points for potential data compromise.” — TableSafe
  • “We’ll see an increase in omni-channel ordering including via mobile and kiosk, plus more voice assistant-enabled ordering using the Amazon Echo (Alexa) or Google Home APIs.What’s more, because it’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven, the voice assistant ordering system will ‘learn’ and continually improve based on actual orders and spoken language.” — Xenial
  • With ever-changing customer demographics and demands, like the increase in integrated online ordering and food delivery, your POS software needs to adapt to your customer base and continue to adjust to reflect business efficiencies.
  • As an example, the movement to cloud POS highlights the limitations and decreasing utility of client server architecture. Also, closed systems are falling out of favor.
  • As a result, POS suppliers need to think about how this plays out through the system and in to kitchen operations.  Also, in an online ordering and delivery environment, store location may not be as relevant as store capacity and balancing work between sites.
    This article is the resultant of a survey by Hospitality Technology as a deep dive into the minds of Restaurant Technology experts and executives. The results of the survey, commented by various executives from POS provision companies details their thoughts on the needs and direction of POS systems in the industry. The article, though lengthy, outlines current additions to existing POS systems and upgrades they are or will be implementing as a contrast to the opinions of the Technology executives. Out of this, several distinct trends emerge. POS will no longer be just cash register alternatives. They as a class of products are evolving quickly, integrating data, inventory management, third party integration (both service and distribution side) as well as an emphasis on Cloud-Based and managed implementations. All seem to concur that the future of the POS is not merely operational and operator functionality but also payment systems integrations that will make payment by the consumer friction-less and more diversified. On-line ordering is a distinct focus for all POS providers as online ordering grows exponentially for the foreseeable future. This includes critical items for brand based application ordering as well as third party aggregators. This includes the integration of omni-channel ordering including mobile, amazon-echo, Google-Echo and other AI/Voice based systems and the implications of their increasing usage. Data Security will be at the forefront of POS implementations with Restaurants having to increase their focus on vulnerabilities in their current systems and look to Cloud based systems to offer greater safeguards against hacks and data compromise. Finally, there seems a general agreement that a POS needs to be ready for the future, that is is extensible, up-gradable, and flexible to meet the rapid changes in technology in as bio metrics, payment methods (ie Bitcoin), new devices and services come to market. .

2011 POS Innovations: Mobility on the March | Top Stories | | Hospitality Magazine (HT) - 0 views

  • Another new POS vendor, eTab, debuted its table-side ordering and payment solution this past May at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. The solution allows restaurant and bar patrons to order and pay for meals at their table through a digital menu interface on a portable touch-screen computer, wirelessly connecting each table to the restaurant’s wait staff and existing POS system. 
  • Earlier this year at the International Restaurants & Foodservice Show of New York, Squirrel Systems announced the launch of the latest addition to the Squirrel Mobility suite of products, Squirrel Professional for Apple mobile devices. Squirrel Professional allows restaurants, bars, and hotels to manage their food and beverage operations from stationary terminals as well as mobile tablets and handhelds like the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
    The hospitality industry began to develop the mobile point-of-sale (POS) technology. Technology vendors brought POS capabilities to consumers' own devices. Hospitality Technology has scanned many of the latest releases in point-of-sale technology to help restaurants keep up-to-date on mobile solutions. For example, Tabbedout, a secure mobile payment solution, allows patrons to open, view and pay their tabs, for free, with an iPhone or Android smartphone. Another example is Micros Makes Memorable Menus. An interactive restaurant menu and marketing portal built for the Apple iPad that enables restaurants to showcase upcoming events, programs, food and beverage menus, and daily specials; as well as to facilitate tabletop ordering and payment processing.

Mobile Payment Systems Offer Multiple Solutions for Restaurants - QSR magazine - 1 views

    In this article they talk about how vendors are using "mobile payment system." They explain there are two types of mobile wallets, open-loop and closed-loop. A Open loop is using apps like Google wallet that you keep major credit cards and closed-loop would using payment method for a certain restaurant or vender. They went on to explain how the Federal Reserve states that 17% of smartphone users have use a mobile device at the POS in the last 12 months. The article went on to say that restaurant should start to embrace this type of payment because it gives the customers more options to pay. They went on to say that many of the new POS systems offer the ability to use virtual wallets and other types of payments. They are calling this new POS systems, mPOS. They state they are a great tool for quick service restaurants. You can see how this is explaining with the commercials of Chase Mobile Banking. In the article they mention "mobile-to-mobile" transactions. In the commercial they show you how a mom forgot to pay for a field trip but she can instantly send a payment to the classroom mom and not have to worry later. To me, it is an interesting concept. I have tried mobile deposits and accepting moneys via email transfers.

The disruptive mobile wallet in the hospitality industry: An extended mobile technology... - 1 views

shared by naxiang2001 on 14 Mar 22 - No Cached
  • Just like a physical wallet, a m-wallet can store credit card numbers, electronic cash, owner identity, information of contact, billing or shipping details and other information
  • Also, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic that demands everyone to practice a “new normal”, m-wallet is encouraged over cash in making payments to avoid infection [
  • . Under this sampling technique and similar to the past literature on m-payment, only participants who have used a m-wallet in the past 12 months were selected
    This paper discusses the increasing usage of the mobile wallet in restaurants and how this technology is changing how restaurants operate. The main disruption the mobile wallet is causing are challenges for smaller restaurants to remain competitive without offering mobile payment options. Larger franchises have easier access to funds necessary to make the switch while smaller operations struggle to fund needed technological upgrades. In addition to this, while many find offering mobile payment options to be a competitive advantage, this paper has shown that people rarely exclusively use mobile payment methods as most continue to also use physical cards and even cash. This makes it difficult for many managers to justify the expenditure on mobile payment systems because while lacking them may make your competitors that do more appealing, acquiring mobile payment methods may not actually increase your customer base at all.

Smart Mobile Payment Processing - 1 views

    In this article by Hospitality Business News, the author emphasizes the benefits of the new Mobile Payment Processing and the basic knowledge of the Smart Phone payment. This payment way attracts a lot restaurants owners' eyes, especially in large cities and big restaurants. This Mobile payment revolutionizes the traditional payment method in hotels and restaurants, and it brings much convenience to both merchants and customers. First, it can definitely increase speed of the table turn and save time for consumers and servers. Time is money, especially in the business, customers don't need to give the card to server, and then the server brings the card to the front desk, later bring it back to the customers and customers get that. that's a waste of time compared to this smart phone payment. Second, it is also a fully integrated extension of the current POS system, it makes the POS better and resolve some patches of the current POS. it is a win-win for everyone involved. This Mobile Payment Processing is now being applied in 13 states in 49 cities. In the future, I believe that it will be applied wider than that and it will be more and more popular all over the world, especially for those busy businesses.

How POS systems are transforming the hospitality industry | By Joshua Smith - 1 views

  • technological advances are changing the way we live our lives – and for the hospitality industry, the most dramatic developments are taking place thanks to the latest, highly sophisticated POS systems
  • Gain a competitive edge with speedy payment systems
  • Today's hospitality outlets are utilising new payment functionalities that remove the traditional, time-consuming ritual for customers of waiting for service staff to bring them the bill.
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  • Three new ways for customers to pay
  • contactless payment has become a mainstream way to pay, and the results for business are beginning to show.
  • contactless methods of payment are having an especially beneficial effect, allowing lines to move faster as transactions are processed more efficiently
  • A fantastic time-saver for takeaway outlets in particular, pre-payment systems work by allowing the customer to place their order and pay online.
  • customers can simply pick up their order and walk away, saving precious minutes out of their lunch hour, while the restaurant can serve a greater number of people in the same amount of time.
  • Taking the pre-pay concept one step further, mobile ordering allows customers already in your bar or restaurant to place their order at their seat, using their smartphone.
    This article expounds how technological advances in POS systems are changing the way different organizations in the hospitality industry do business. The article explains how each business can gain a competitive edge with speedy POS payment systems as well. According to the article, there are three new ways for customers to pay that includes contactless methods of payment , prepay, and mobile ordering. All of these new features are having an especially beneficial effect, allowing lines to move faster as transactions are processed more efficiently. The article further explains how future POS trends goes beyond faster payments and quicker queues. Modern POS systems offer the unprecedented access to detailed customer data that focuses on individual customers' patterns and preferences. In conclusion, with all the benefits that the latest technology offers, it stands to reason that he latest POS systems hold the key to the future of hospitality.
    This article was really interesting. I liked the different methods it referenced with regards to how customers can pay, as I know those methods are really becoming integral to the industry. I also like how it talked about how businesses can use data mining to find out exactly how fruitful these innovations will be or how they are helping the businesses that have already installed them. I'm interested in seeing what new technological innovations occur in the future, especially with regards to how people pay for their meals.

Hotel technology investments to increase in 2015 to match guest expectations - 0 views

    "Indeed, consumer-facing technologies were the highest priority for the surveyed cohort of IT professionals. The other important areas of tech upgrades are adding bandwidth to on-property systems (especially as the industry trends towards personal content consumption), and preparing for the upcoming shift in North America to the chip-and-pin technology. Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 12.12.53 PM The rise of mobile payments also poses a technology quandary to hotels, as there are currently competing standards without a clear winner. The reality of multi-brand mobile payments is also that there will likely be several winners, and guests might wish to pay via a variety of mobile-first payment systems in the near future. Migrating to the cloud continues to be a priority for many respondents. Services across the boar are being transitioned from on-property to the cloud, including PMS (15% moving to cloud), sales and catering (14%), POS(14%) and CRM (12%). The security of this data is obviously also a concern, with many hotel technologists seeing securing data as a clear priority. As the shift to cloud-based services continues, hotels must spend more money on security to prevent breaches or other embarrassing lapses. Mid-tier brands are the most likely this year to see an increased focus on security, investing 10.39% of budgets in security and PCI compliance. That's compared with only 6.87% last year." Hotels are investing in technology to better serve a more tech savvy consumer. By adding systems who cater to mobile devices and mobile computing, hotels are expanding their customer base. A transition has even begun to cloud based services.

Three Hot Hardware Trends for the Hospitality Industry - Hospitality & Catering News - 3 views

  • ome restaurants are already moving towards replacing menus with either M-POS tablets or fixed kiosks at tables which customers can use to
  • ome restaurants are already moving towards replacing menus with either M-POS tablets or fixed kiosks at tables which customers can use to
  • ome restaurants are already moving towards replacing menus with either M-POS tablets or fixed kiosks at tables which customers can use to
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  • As the hospitality industry has arguably always been more service focused than retail, these developments should be of great interest to the operators of restaurants, bars, pubs, hotels and so on.
  • Hardware has a key role to play in boosting service in the hospitality industry. Here are three emerging trends in hospitality EPOS hardware that do just that.
  • Some restaurants are already moving towards replacing menus with either M-POS tablets or fixed kiosks at tables which customers can use to place an order directly. Kiosks could play a similar role in hotel rooms, allowing guests to order room service or else offering a ‘smart concierge’ facility.
  • Making full use of wireless broadband, this is what Mobile EPOS, or M-POS, solutions like the AURES SWING and iRuggy offer.
  • ome restaurants are already moving towards replacing menus with either M-POS tablets or fixed kiosks at tables which customers can use to
  • What if everything could be done on a single device, at the table, there and then – orders taken, input into the EPOS system, forwarded to the kitchen and processed for payment?
  • Traditionally, scanners have not been a necessary part of the hospitality EPOS arsenal because there has not been a need to scan barcodes or similar when making sales.
  • But there are many more possible uses for kiosks across the hospitality industry. In restaurants, for example, kiosks could replace the maitre d’hotel or dining room manager when they check availability and making reservations when guests arrive, allowing diners instead to choose tables and dining times themselves
    • ngerv001
      The influx of millennial travelers has created the need for the ability to be able to customize any and everything possible. Self service kiosks, as well as technological improvements, have reshaped the nature of the hotel experience forever. Hospitality meets them halfway via a host of self-service solutions that are up to the task. Being able to create new options for your guests does not instantly mean abandoning the old. It is important for guests to have the options they need to choose your business regardless of the methods of communication at their disposal.
    This article highlights three hardware trends that is shaping the modern hospitality industry globally by focusing on the advances experienced in POS technology. The writer emphasizes that since the hospitality industry has been more focused on services than on retail, restaurant, bars, hotel and pub owners should pay keen interest on the technological developments. This technology is beneficial to the hospitality industry, as it will help the operators improve on customer experience. Hardware plays a critical role in improving the services offered in the hospitality industry. The three emerging trends in hospitality mentioned in the article relate to the trends in EPOS hardware in the industry. The first trend mentioned in the article is mobile EPOS (M-POS), which helps in taking orders, inputting them into the EPOS system, have the order forwarded to the kitchen and processing for the order payment by using wireless broadband. The second trend is kiosks that are self-service points in the hospitality industry. Kiosks have several uses like checking availability, making reservations when the patrons arrive in restaurants and allowing guests to order room service in hotel rooms. The last trend is the use of scanners, which is modern EPOS software for setting up a loyalty scheme for businesses. Scanners have not been a necessary part of the hospitality EPOS but their demand has grown due to the increase in popularity for loyalty schemes among businesses.
    This article talks about the three hardware systems that are trending now in the hospitality industry. The Mobile EPOS, Kioks, and Scanners are all meant to make the job of the company run smoother and more efficiently. The EPOS makes it easier to get everything done in one place, for example placing an order, paying and receiving a receipt. Kiosks allow customers to place their own order and have the food delivered to them. Lastly, scanners are a great help when it come tp updating records.
    Retail operators are now understanding that point of sale systems can also be used to not only assist in processing the final phase of the checkout but also throughout the entire process to increase the service aspect. The advancement in POS technology is the driving force behind this initiative. Operators of restaurants, bars, pubs, hotels, etc., are using POS technology to improve the customer service experience. The main focus of this is placed on modern specialised EPOS software and hardware systems and how they can help to integrate operations across an entire business. There are three emerging trends in hospitality EPOS hardware that are used to run the software. They are mobile Epos (M-Pos), Kiosks and Scanners. Mobile EPOS (M-POS) use single devices at the table to take orders, input into the EPOS system, forwarded to the kitchen and process the order for payment. Kiosks, on the other hand are self-service points that allow users to process orders and payments separate from collection they can also allow users to check availability and making reservations, allowing them to perform tasks like choosing tables and dining times themselves. Kiosks could play a similar role in hotel rooms, allowing guests to order room service or offering a smart concierge option. The final hardware option mentioned was the use of scanners. Scanners are used in conjunction with the loyalty schemes which are growing in popularity as a way to incentivise repeat business and for updating records.

The latest from HTNG - Hotels unpack the future of credit card security | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • The Framework is aimed at reducing the cost and complexity of satisfying the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS),
  • Travel Daily News reports that the new Framework calls for tokenization to encrypt the credit card information at the point-of-swipe.
  • Bloomberg BNA reports that on Feb. 14, the Council released new guidance for merchants who accept payments on mobile devices.
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  • February also saw the release of the Council’s guidance on security and cloud computing.
  • The Council goes on to note that cloud computing remains an evolving technology, and merchants must be careful to evaluate competing cloud services and establish clear security policies and procedures.
    Hotels have to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, which are constantly updated since technology is developing. Also, 'the hotel industry has unique vulnerabilities to credit card theft', since the cards should be available over the long period of time, and to different 3rd parties as well. The new technology will encrypt credit card information at the point-of-swipe, and the number never gets to any other place in the hotel or other business. The other issue is payments on mobile devices. Where it is advised to encrypt information prior to using the device, and avoid "bring you own device policy'.
    This article introduces the Secure Payments Framework in Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) Conference. The Framework applies mobile payment and cloud computing technology to reduce the cost and complexity of satisfying the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. The credit card security is a big challenge for all hotels, especially for the small hotels, lacking expertise and budget to protect customers' card information. There are many advantages of the new card framework. Firstly, the new Framework can encrypt the credit card information at the point-of-swipe. In this way, the card number can't be stolen by other systems. Secondly, it is scalable for different sizes of hotel. Thirdly, new guidance is made for accepting payments on mobile devices. Before processing payment, the merchant need encrypt cardholder, to make sure more security. What is more, new policy on cloud computing. The cloud service provider and its clients are both responsible for the security of cloud data. The policy also need merchants to evaluate competing cloud services and carefully pay procedures.

Unattended POS Terminals - Technology That's All Around Us | DIGITAL EDGE - 0 views

  • The time has come for great growth and changes in this segment, leading the existing cashless payment industry in a new direction.
  • Taking today’s technological capabilities into account, such situations should be a thing of the past; old machines are being replaced by new, sophisticated machines which offer a service that is always available and fast, making their use and our everyday lives easier in the process.
  • Unattended POS Terminals are also experiencing strong growth because they meet users’ demands and priorities.
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  • Unattended POS Terminals and vending machines with the possibility of cashless and contactless payment are increasingly common, for example in launderettes for the payment of laundry services and purchase of cleaning supplies. Next are automatic carwashes which, along with cashless payment, also offer the possibility of purchasing other supplies such as window cleaning products, air fresheners or paper towels. Let us not forget about vending machines for food and drinks and those that offer other products such as earphones, cables or school supplies. Cashless payments are also unavoidable on highways.
  • their use is simple and speeds up the payment process, and adding to this the fast-growing trend of contactless payments, Unattended POS Terminals are finding their users and their purpose very quickly and easily
  • As the main driving forces of this industry, banks issue clients with contactless cards which enable fast and simple payments of smaller amounts by touching the card against the terminal without entering a PIN. Such micropayments are the key benefit of Unattended POS Terminals on vending machines.
    This article relates on the growth and efficiency of cashless & contact-less payment systems which are now part of the unattended POS systems. Their use allows for a fast & easy service and prevent people form worrying about whether they have enough change to pay for the parking meter or for the candy bar form the vending machine. The best part is the fact that the payment card can be placed nearby the device and the transaction can be processed; no need to put in a pin number and risk getting any financial information stolen.

Gale Academic OneFile - Document - The anti-Venmo? Banks' p-to-p payment product eschew... - 0 views

  • Talie Baker, an analyst at Aite Group, said that she does not think users are demanding a social network for P-to-P payments. "Most users are interested in security and ubiquity," she said in an email, referring to the overall size and scope of the payment network.
  • But over time, Zelle's partner banks hope to support a wide range of business-to-business and business-to-consumer payments that seem more likely to generate revenue. Participating banks are also hoping that the P-to-P service will result in more satisfied retail customers, who are less likely to leave for another bank.
    • jalipman
      During the COVID19 pandemic this is especially true. A restaurant that can use venmo can create and literally contactless pickup of food as well as retailers can do this as well.
  • "If you owe money, you definitely want to show people that you paid, that you're not a deadbeat," said Crone, the CEO of Crone Consulting LLC in San Carlos, Calif.
    • jalipman
      Venmo does leverage social pressures to pay which also can limit its market when "charging people on venmo"
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  • oreover, as Venmo moves into in-store payments, its use of social media may offer a way for PayPal to monetize the app's growing popularity, Crone said. After all, when a social media user endorses a particular retailer, that thumbs-up is valuable to the merchant. So the merchant may be willing to pony up for the positive buzz.
  • Zelle's architects considered, but ultimately decided against, mimicking Venmo's marriage of payments and social media, according to Alexander.
    • jalipman
      Zelle has placed there focus on security rather than the social aspect in order to reach an older market. It seems as if in the long run Zelle will be able to retain its market better when the social aspect of money sharing becomes an issue. (which in my opinion is almost inevitable)
  • So as we're thinking about the use cases for Zelle, sharing the bar tab for last weekend certainly is one of those. But also other use cases that wouldn't lend themselves to some of the comical social interaction that you see," she added.
  • At the same time, Alexander pointed out that younger adults who have been early adopters of the technology are likely to shape the habits of their parents and other older consumers. "So absolutely we are not ignoring the millennials and their influence," she said.
    • jalipman
      This has been mimicked for many things in new technology like smart phones. As well as many social media websites. The younger generation influence drives the market.
  • Transaction volume for Venmo, which is owned by PayPal Holdings, Inc., has grown by at least 130% in each of the last four quarters.
    • jalipman
      Venmo being the mainstream digital payment app allows it to continue to dominate. Additionally social pressures to use the app drive the market even further.
  • ts prospects also hinge on whether the big banks have made the right assessment about the willingness of middle-aged folks to mix payments data with their social networks.
    • jalipman
      A continual problem with technology advancements is security. In addition to this older people are less willing to use technology and mixing those two together can create an environment where older people are not willing to make the change even if it is more convenient.
  • The successor to a lackluster venture called clearXchange, Zelle is courting adults ages 18 to 54 who already rely heavily on their mobile phones. All told, 103 million U.S. consumers fall into that category. "We would say we're moving P-to-P from millennials to mainstream," said said Lou Anne Alexander, group president of payments at Early Warning Services, the bank-owned company that is developing the system
    • jalipman
      Zelle targets a larger demographic allowing it to target possible whole families which eventually would lead to it being the mainstream app overtaking Venmo.
  • But in rebranding and reintroducing a P-to-P payments service, the nation's biggest banks are targeting a broader demographic and betting that people who came of age in the 1980s and 1990s want to be more private about how they spend their money.
  • t's one reason why the person-to-person payment app Venmo -- which encourages users to share spending habits with friends -- is so popular with the 18-to-34-year-old crowd.
    • jalipman
      Venmo came in ahead of the curve in the digital banking market. Mainly targeting a younger demographic it has taken off. But this ahead of the curve mentality has allowed banks to create their own digital banking apps engineered towards the older markets.
  • t's one reason why the person-to-person payment app Venmo -- which encourages users to share spending habits with friends -- is so popular with the 18-to-34-year-old crowd.

How the pandemic solidified contactless payment | Mobile payments | Fast Casual - 0 views

  • While convenience is still important, the pandemic has put a spotlight on how safe mobile payment is, both from a data security and a public health perspective. 
  • While still popular, cash is falling out of favor as more and more people use credit and debit for even small purchases under $10. And in today's pandemic where cash can be a vehicle for virus transmission, people are even more reluctant to use it. 
  • people who use mobile wallets make purchases at a rate 23% higher than those who pay with physical cash or card, and spend 2.4% more per transaction.  The reason is similar to why people spend more on credit cards than when they use cash — because the money doesn't feel real. 
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  • As American businesses begin to reopen, informed consumers will be reluctant to touch shared devices like pinpads and payment terminals, and they won't be enthusiastic about handling cash. Contactless mobile payments will become a necessity for public health. 
  • 69% of restaurant goers find waiting for the check the most frustrating part of the dining experience; on average, it takes 12 minutes to pay from the time a guest requests the bill.  Pay at Table allows guests to pay for their meal when they're ready, on their own time schedule without that waiting period. They do it all from their mobile device. 
  • And when guests have money stored with a brand, visits among these guests increase because they've already made a commitment to keep coming back.
  • NFC payment is likely to increase in popularity, especially in this time when everyone is looking for ways to minimize physical contact throughout the shopping experience.
    This article is about touch less payments after COVID. It focused on three options: Paying at the table, the value touch less POS brings, and Near Field Communications which is used with Google and Apple Pay.

Why Your Restaurant Needs a Mobile POS System - - 0 views

  • Mobile POS systems allow restaurants to increase sales and retain customers using their own tablets or smartphones.
  • A mobile POS, or mPOS, is a point-of-sale system that uses a smartphone or tablet to act as a register and accept payments on the go. A mobile POS accepts credit cards and contactless payments.
  • What sets a mobile POS apart from a stationary POS system is the portability of the hardware
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  • An mPOS is best for businesses that want to complete transactions on the go – such as a landscaper, a food delivery service, or a retailer that wants to move customers through the checkout process faster.
  • Mobile POS systems are also popular with market vendors, home repair services and food trucks.
  • An unattended POS system enables self-ordering and self-checkout, which has become popular during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Getting an mPOS system up and running is simple. You choose your mobile POS software provider, download the app, and connect your card reader to the mobile device. Once that's complete, you can start accepting payments. Mobile POS systems rely on Wi-Fi or a data connection to process payments.
  • The standout features that make mPOS popular include portability, speedy checkout, inventory management tools and advanced reporting.
  • Restaurant owners have come to rely on mPOS systems for several reasons. They're easier to set up and use, they support a wide selection of third-party integrations, and they can facilitate rewards and loyalty programs.
    This article reviews Mobile POS systems and unattended POS systems and provides key features of each.

Industry Outlook | Top Stories | | Hospitality Magazine (HT) - 0 views

  • Steve Barrow, VP of IS, Luby’s Inc
  • have seen some next generation hotel management systems that are truly cloud-based (no thin client installs). They have the ability to integrate with social media outlets, CRM and all the other major management modules, allowing the guest to ultimately have a better interaction with their online hotel profile and booking abilities.
  • I believe a mobile payments standard such as Google Wallet or NFC on smartphones is an emerging technology with profound implications. The service will allow a customer to access all of his account balances and payment methods
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  • I hope to see a single mobile device be your unique and secured identifier for everything from loyalty programs to payment transactions, to hotel room entry. This might be NFC or something else. Such a large percentage of our guests are carrying mobile devices, we should be able to identify them uniquely and have them authorize the sharing of this information for multiple purposes. Personally I hate having to carry 30 cards in m
  • I would expect apps to be available to give the guest a new, unique experience to their guest room, not only from the booking side, but also the experience once they have entered your hotel; much more than just a booking widget.
  • Tech is experiencing an innovation boom, and many in the hospitality industry are ready to replace the “slow to adopt” mentality with strategic IT investments. From cloud computing to mobile devices, hotels and restaurants are monitoring, testing and deploying new solutions that improve the guest experience, streamline operations across vast franchise networks, and bring greater security to their enterprises.
  • y wallet for varied functions. I know there are multiple vendors doing some facets of this chip-based ID, but the entity that standardizes and creates buy-in from consumers will be huge in the future of hospitality and retail markets.
    This article looked at the views on IT investments of Hospitality Technology's Editorial Advisory Board. The Board represents a variety of hospitality industries. The article focused on areas of improvement, emerging technologies, IT priorities for 2012, "wish list" IT investments, and more. Among the areas for improvement, guest Wi-Fi and mobile apps, loss prevention technologies, and social media targeting older clientele topped the list. Older guests connecting to and understanding social media are a worry among many of the Board members as well as lack of standardized, secure payment methods. Many also mention that their current systems (POS in particular) tend to hold them back from implementing new IT technologies because they would not be compatible.  Most Board members listed having mobile devices that could be used for a variety of purposes on the guest end as well as on the business end would be top on their "wish list" for IT implementations. With almost everyone owning smartphones today, I think this would be the smartest and most effective IT implementation to invest in. Many customers and guests are looking for easy and accessible ways of navigating through the hotel and restaurant environments without extensive help from others. Since many people, especially the generation coming up, are more and more attached to their phones and tablets, mobile apps for nearly everything seems like the smart way to go.  Cloud-based servers were a close second in terms of what they wanted in invest in. Many of the Board members pinpointed technologies that have been around but are still new, especially in their respective areas, when speaking of useful emerging technologies. Mobile apps, tablet and 73456
    this article gives a great overview of the steps leaders in the Hospitality industry are taking towards new technology. In this article members of the industry were interview regarding weaknesses in the current hospitality market as well as emerging trends that each believe is in rapid increase. Some of the answers give very interesting approach towards technology. Although, overall it seems that the number one emerging technology is the use of cloud-based/mobile-based services.
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